Welcome to our Useful Resources. In this section, jobseekers from all of our groups will find practical guides to some common employment issues and procedures and some more complicated scenarios related to equality and inclusion at work.
Our Useful Resources are predominantly aimed at those jobseekers who identify with one of our user groups. You might use this section to help find avenues of support or find an employer who values and celebrates diversity. You may also use this section to find ways to connect with other minority staff members, who you can communicate and collaborate with.
That being said, these resources can be used by anybody, employer or employee, who want to learn more about supporting diversity, dealing with discrimination or understanding workplace procedures. We will be continually updating and expanding this section of our website, so check back for the new pages and information.
Discrimination in the Workplace
Lots of us know what discrimination means, but sometimes when it happens, it can be hard to spot, and even harder to understand how to deal with. A person being discriminated against does not always realise that it is happening, which often allows it to go on unchallenged. In this guide, we break down workplace discrimination, how it and why it might manifest, and we suggest some ways you might deal with it.
How to Discuss Diversity Concerns with Your Employer
It can be tough to know how to have sensitive conversations about equality and diversity with anybody, never mind your employer or manager. This is even more of a challenge when the discussion regards your diversity concerns. Whether you want to raise an incident or encourage more open dialogue, this guide breaks it down for you.
How to Find a Diversity-Positive Employer
Those jobseekers who identify as a part of an underrepresented or commonly discriminated against groups, such as LGBTQ+ people or women, may find that they only want to work for a diversity positive employer. Yet these can be more challenging to identify than you think. On this page, you will find ways to determine which employers are committed to changing the workforce for the better.
Support from HR
While HR can sometimes feel like an abstract and intimidating presence in your company, they are essential in protecting staff from harm. If you have experienced workplace discrimination or bullying, which you believe is based on a protected characteristic, then HR may be able to support you. In this guide, we discuss the ways HR can intervene and how to contact them.
Flexible and Remote Working
We strongly believe that one easy way to encourage a range of people to work for your business, is by offering flexible and remote work. The ability to arrange your work tasks and hours to fit your schedule means that those who have other commitments do not need to be wrongly discriminated against. For example, parents who can’t work at 3 pm because they need to pick up their children or a disabled person who needs time off for GP appointments.
Staff Networks
In this guide, we talk through a really useful resource for anybody in employment who feels isolated because of a protected characteristic, or somebody who wants to make an active change for others who work in the same organisation. Staff networks are a great way to connect and meet other employees whilst also making a difference in your organisation.