Diverse Vacancies
We explore the art of finding diverse vacancies and inclusive employers who are open to employing people no matter their ethnicity or background.
Though in theory, your rights within the workplace should be protected by law, but it is undeniable that some workplaces have a track record of supporting people from different races, genders, and with different sexualities and disabilities.
Diversity at Work
People are more aware than ever of the importance of diverse representation in all aspects of life, including at work. This can only be a good thing.
There has been a lot of talk recently about how to make workplaces more diverse and inclusive, but what does that actually mean?
For a start, it means making sure that your team represents the diverse make-up of society. This can be done by increasing the number of people from minority groups who work for you, but it also goes beyond that. You need to think about how everyone in your workplace – from the CEO down – behaves and interacts with one another.
A diversity and inclusion policy is a good start, but it’s not enough on its own. Businesses need to make sure that everyone in the workplace understands the importance of diverse and inclusive workplaces, and this includes recruitment.
An employer also needs to be responsible and offer support for their diverse employees, as well as providing them with opportunities to grow and progress in their position.
The UK’s Most Diverse Employers
“Inclusive Companies” regularly publishes a list of the UK’s most diverse employers which can give a strong indication of companies who are happy to work with all backgrounds and ethnicities, and have proven it by employing a diverse workforce in the past.
For example, their recent list included Sky who have said that they are committed to a diverse workforce and their people practices reflect this.
Mott MacDonald, UK Power Networks, and many branches of the NHS are also on the list, along with LV= General Insurance, Financial Services Compensation Scheme, and many more. You can check the list to see whether a company has a history of diversity.
Diversity Rights in the Workplace
The law is on your side when it comes to diverse rights in the workplace, but unfortunately, this isn’t always enough.
There are laws that protect employees from discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, sexuality, and disability – among others – but these laws are often not properly enforced. It is vital to know what your rights are, and working with diverse employers can make for a better working life.
Equality and Diversity Job Vacancies
If you are passionate about the subject you can find equality and diversity job vacancies in the UK.
One of the best ways to find diverse vacancies is through our jobs page, as the employers we work with offer a diverse range of job listings that cater for all backgrounds and ethnicities.
If diverse workplaces are important to you, it’s likely that there are employers in your area who understand this and actively work towards diverse representation at work.