Positive About Inclusion CIC
Positive About Inclusion is a newly formed social enterprise, an equality, diversity and inclusion consultancy delivering bespoke solutions, interventions and training to support organisations on their inclusion journey.
The Directors of Positive About Inclusion, Karen Faulkner and Lucy Malarkey formed the Community Interest Company (CIC) in late 2020 when redundancy offered them the opportunity to pursue their passion.
Diversity and Inclusion are high on the agenda for society as a whole. 2020 saw a step change for inclusivity with the tragic murder of George Floyd prompting the resurgence of the international Black Lives Matter movement. For the first time society witnessed the power of consumer consciousness as the public challenged organisations to prove their credentials as a force for good. Not just wanting organisations to say that they were inclusive, but to demonstrate it both visibly and actively.
Furthermore, the pandemic has highlighted and worsened existing social inequality and organisations recognise that they have a really important role to play in creating diverse communities and inclusive workplaces.
Workplace inclusion is more important now than ever before, remote working for many of us can be a real challenge, both in terms of mental wellbeing and employee engagement. We believe that now is the time for organisations to focus their efforts on inclusivity and diversity and the companies that do this are reaping the benefits. Diversity still matters during COVID-19 and will always matter.