5 Alarming Statistics About Women in the Work Place

Written by Luke Kitchen
Last updated January 6, 2022

It’s 2021, and gender inequality still exists in the workplace. There are many alarming statistics about gender inequality at work that will not go away without intervention from government policymakers, employers, and employees alike. This article will look into 5 alarming statistics about women in the workplace and what gender inequality looks like in the UK today. 

1. The Pay Gap  

The gender pay gap is still significant, with women earning 18% less on average than men are. The gender pay gap, also known as the gender wage gap, shows how much more per hour a man makes compared to a woman for comparable work. If that number sounds alarmingly large, it is because gender inequality in the workplace has not gone away. 

2. Fewer Promotions 

A recent study by the Royal Society for Chemistry showed that women are less likely to be promoted than men, even if they have the same qualifications and work experience. This is another example of how gender equality at work can still be an issue today despite anti-discrimination laws being put in place. 

3. Women Win Fewer Cases  

83% of gender equality cases in the workplace are won by men, not women, even though there is evidence that gender inequality persists at work for all genders today. This statistic shows how gender discrimination can be institutionalised in a company, leading to gender inequality affecting more than just one person or group. It affects every worker when they do not have the same opportunities for advancement, pay, or work-life balance. 

4. Women Still Don’t Feel Equal 

A study by The Law Society showed that 54% of women believe gender inequality is still an issue at their workplace. Showing how pervasive gender discrimination can be if more than half of working women feel it exists in their company, leading to a culture where unfair treatment persists. 

5. Fewer Leadership Opportunities 

There are significantly fewer opportunities for women to be in leadership positions at work. The Pew Research Centre found that only 21% of women in the UK have a boss who is a woman. This gender inequality statistic shows how gender discrimination can cause a lack of opportunities for women to advance their careers, leading to them being underrepresented at work. 

These 5 alarming statistics demonstrate the amount of work that still needs to be done before gender equality in the workplace is achieved. However, there is still hope as things continue to improve and women strive for social change and equal opportunities at work. 

For more information about women and diversity at work, women’s rights or support and resources visit our website. Alternatively, contact us with any queries. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with all of the latest news and information from Aspiring to Include.   

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Last Updated: Monday June 20 2022
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