Flexible Jobs When You Are Transitioning

When you are going through a transition or gender reassignment journey, it can be difficult to maintain your typical working schedule. What worked for you before may prove too stressful during this time.

When you are transitioning, whether that involves medical procedures or not, you may consider a change to your current working contract and arrangements, or you may consider a new job altogether.

Often, the best choice for either of these paths is to consider a flexible working arrangement. Flexible jobs can have a lot of value to offer when you are transitioning.

Let’s talk more about that on this page.


What is a Flexible Job?

There are a few different ways in which a job can be flexible. The main options include:

  • Home working or hybrid models where you work remotely part-time and the rest in the office
  • Flexi-time contracts, where you can build your hours how you would like and accrue time off
  • Compressed contracts, where you work a full contract in a shorter period
  • Job sharing, in which you share a job with another person and work half of the week

The main consensus is that a flexible job differs from the typical 9-5, Monday to Friday in-office working. Flexible jobs allow employees to balance their life in a more independent way, being able to fit different priorities into their week as well as work. Luckily, we are seeing more and more of this kind of job become available since the Covid-19 pandemic and its massive impact on the job market as a whole.

Flexibility is the way forward for many of us across the world.


Why Can Flexible Jobs Be Helpful When Transitioning?

When you are going through a transition or gender reassignment as a transgender person, it certainly is not an easy or quick process. You will be going through a lot of emotions and feelings, as well as potentially going through medical procedures, hormone therapy, and medical appointments. On top of that again, you may have a lot of admin to sort out, including name changes.

There is a lot on your plate when you are going through a transition. This means that working 9-5 in an office may prove too difficult to manage, at least for a certain period of time. Having a flexible job instead allows you to take care of yourself and take time to heal and recover, while not putting yourself in a financially difficult position. Flexibility allows you to keep working while you go through something life-changing and doesn’t force you to choose between one or the other.

Overall, flexible jobs can offer a reduction in stress and a lot of peace of mind for trans people who are transitioning.


Where to Find Flexible and Inclusive Jobs

If you are a trans person looking for a flexible job, you have come to the right place. At Aspiring to Include, we have lots of ways to help diverse job seekers find the best possible job and employer for them.

To start, you can check out our section of support for diverse job seekers. There you can find everything you need to know while you are on the hunt for that perfect diverse job. Then, you can head over to our inclusive job board and directory of diversity-positive employers to find the exact job you want.

Everyone deserves flexibility when they need it. Let us help you find it.

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